.A couple of years ago I bought this sewing case from Lynette Anderson's stall at the Festival Of Quilts. I'd already been given Lynette's book "Country Cottage Quilting" which had a pattern for a cover for the sewing case called "Walnut Tree Cottage", so I gathered together some scraps of Lynette's beautiful fabrics and getting ready for another project. I decided to use this pretty feature fabric for the pocket cover rather than stitching together lots of hexies, and I'm really pleased with how this looks... ...the cover for the front of the cover is made with a combination of applique and stitchery. I traced the stitchery design using a Micron Pigma pen and a lightbox for this. The applique was completed using the applique paper and glue stick method, then used a YLI silk thread to secure it into place. I used some Valdani embroidery threads for the hollyhocks, the daisies and the tree trunk/branches. These are hand dyed skeins of embroidery threads that are part of the Thread Club (sign ups on Lynette's website). The embroidered hollyhocks are similar in colour to the hollyhocks in my garden! The remainder of the stitchery was completed with DMC embroidery threads. Once the stitchery was completed, I trimmed the cover using the template provided in the book, and was ready to applique it onto the front of the sewing case. The edges have been turned over using the appliqué paper and glue stick method and apliquick rods. Next stage is to fix it to the sewing case with a few dots of Roxanne's Basting Glue and then secure it into place with hand sewing... ...and here's the finished case. It really would have been much easier to stitch the applique with a curved needle, but I'd had a bit of a disaster with a previous project, an managed to break 2 needles and resorted to using an ordinary one, which was more than just a bit tricky. My fingers will never be the same again!
Suzi Beavers
10/4/2017 05:47:27 am
Will you please tell me where you bought the craft case itself, not the pattern. I live in the US and it would cost too much to order it from Lynette Anderson. Thanks.
10/4/2017 06:59:50 am
Hi Suzi. If you read the info above, you'll see that I bought the craft case from Lynette when she was at the Festival of Quilts here in the UK.
Suzi Beavers
10/4/2017 06:34:54 pm
Thanks for your quick answer! Leave a Reply. |
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