Here is a quick update of some of the projects I have completed this year. My goodness I have been busy!! I've made several Norwegian patterns, which I hope to continue to do in the future. Wonder how many projects I will complete next year! I hope you'll follow my blog in 2011 to keep up with my quilting exploits!
A few weeks ago I blogged about this fab magazine by Leanne Beasley - and now there's a Vignette blog - and if you hop on over there, you'll see there is a giveaway - Leanne has offered 10 of these magazines to win!!! - just leave a comment on the blog, and link back to your own blog - it's as simple as that - good luck!!
On Sunday I showed you a sneek peek of this bag - I'd made it for my blogging-friend and colleague Heather - now I can finally reveal it - she was really pleased with this, as you can read about on her blog too.
Just another couple of sneek peeks today - these runners are presents for two very special friends. And yes, I used the same AnnAKa pattern again - "Kle kjokkenet i 60-tansdrakt" - I hope my friends will like these!!
OK Heather - this one's just for you!!!!! it was my blogging-friend and colleague Heather's birthday last week - I didn't see her at work, as I've been on holiday (no, not to some exotic climes, just good old Blighty, busy preparing for Christmas), anyway, I've made her a little "quiltysomething" - this little pic should keep her guessing - and may even wow the likes of Katie and Isobel, who when they found out I was responsible for introducing Heather to quilting said "oh you're the culprit"!! Hope you had a fab birthday Heather!
Pop along over to retromummy's blog - she's having a fab giveaway - 2 packs of 20 fat quarters of some yummy fabric that really is absolutely FAB-U-LOUS. This fabric range is Flower Sugar by Lecien. This is so gorgeous - as you can see by retromummy's picture. Can you tell that I really really like this fabric?? Anyone know of a UK supplier for this?? I really really want some - infact I really NEED this fabric!
Remember this fabric from an earlier blogpost?? I bought this from Quilters Haven, and I was going to use it to make some Christmas tablerunners and placemats. Well, so far, I've turned it into this table runner - yet another AnnAKa pattern, called "Kle kjokkenet i 60-tansdrakt" - it was in an old edition of Quiltemagasinet from a couple of years ago. I have quilted this runner with gold metallic thread... ...I've made a few of these table runners for Christmas presents for friends..... this red one was quilted very simply, and I used a green, red and gold stripey fabric for the binding and this green runner was bound with the same stripey fabric as the previous one - and used it to border the centre squares... ..and I've used the same pattern "Kle kjokkenet i 60-tansdrakt" to make this cushion cover for my sister-in-law. Phew!! All this sewing malarky is exhausting -just spent two hours tidying up my "creative outbursts" (Mr F would call it that bl**dy mess!!), putting all fabric and threads and sewing machine away until the New Year.
I've already said how I'm very fusy about my tree, and I'm fussy about my holly wreath too - it can't have flowers in it (that just looks like a funeral wreath), and can't have plastic ribbon on it (looks cheap and tacky) - anyway, I was really pleased with this one - it was from Windmills Florists in Woodbridge - the florist very kindly added the pine cones and ribbon while I waited - I'm really pleased with this one..... ..and I've been very busy sewing this week, finishing off presents for friends and relations. This is the finished cushion for my mum for Christmas - it's ok to post a piccie on here, as she doesn't read my blog! And this is an AnnAKa pattern - yet another pressie - can't say who it is for, as she MIGHT read my blog, oh please note that this is not a heap of messy untidiness in the background - it's creativeness!!
Well this was the sight that greeted me this morning - not only had "That Hairy Hound" devoured some more of my Christmas table decoration and left the evidence laying on the carpet (another chewed up tangerine and some more bedraggled looking bay leaves - see "The Perfect Christmas Tree" blogpost 2 for more info on that), and not only was she asleep in Mr F's chair..... but she was laying on ONE OF MY QUILTS!!! ..... she really is well and truely in the dog house today - but does she look bothered?? Not a bit of it!! Anyway, as it is bitterly cold outside today, I plan to spend the rest of the day indoors in the warm with my sewing machine. I bought this kit from Quilters Haven on Saturday, and I'm using it to make a cushion for mother-in-law's Christmas present. The pattern is really simple, a mixture of patchwork and appliqué - I'll use some of the Christmas fabrics in my stash to make up some more of these - although I might change the appliqué designs a bit.
About me...Hi - welcome to my quilting blog! My passions are my family, my dog, my friends and sewing, not necessarily in that order! Archives
January 2025
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