Well just look what I've got here to play with!! A few years ago (2010) I ordered this beautiful BOM from an online quilt shop called Buttonberry - they have sadly closed down, but they did stock the most amazing patterns by those wonderful Australian designers that I am so fond of! This one is called "Down In The Garden" and is by Leanne Beasley. Each month a parcel arrived wrapped in tissue paper with a lovely letter from Emma and Lisa (I do miss those Buttonberry girls! Emma and Lisa also included a little treat with the letter too - I really used to look forward to these parcels arriving every month!) and inside, tied up with pretty red ribbon was the pattern and fabric and stitchery stabilizer - everything you needed to complete each block..... .....as well as the patterns and fabric, I had been sent the fabric for the borders and the binding and even all the skeins of DMC embroidery thread. So there was nothing to stop me from making a start! Unfortunately at the time I was really busy stitching my other Leanne Beasley quilt, "Butterfly Garden" so DITG was put away each month. And that was 3 years ago. Well I've been catching up with all my unfinished projects with the "Tour de Fibre" group, and it was about time I started something new. I love stitchery, so this seemed the perfect "new" project!..... .....some of the fabric in this kit is "Grandmother's Flower Garden" by Rosalie Quinlan for Lecien and you know how much I like Lecien fabrics!! I pieced the main part of the block together, and then traced the stitchery design over the top. I use a Pigma permanent pen for this, and usually use a pale brown colour. 2 strands of embroidery thread will cover this, but you do need a steady hand. Once the stitchery design was traced, I then ironed a soft lightweight fusible stabilizer to the back of the block (this was all included in the kit too!) and then I sorted out the embroidery threads into a small portable case, as I'm going to take this with me to Birmingham. I'm hoping to do a little bit of stitchery in the evenings while I'm in the hotel to pass away the time. I'll show you how much progress was made when I get back!
Julie Walters
6/8/2013 10:15:37 am
Hi nikki,another lovely quilt to do.i know Emma from button berry so I'll tell her about your blog and she can see all the lovely quilts you do .have a lovely time in Birmingham,
6/5/2015 08:50:14 pm
Im looking for the DOWN IN THE GARDEN. I love the quilt pattern, not the complete bom kits. Just the patern. Hoping someone has completed the quilt and eould be willing to sell their pattern? If so. Please contact me. [email protected] thanx Debra..
Hi Debbie thank you for your comment on my blog. There are 10 patterns in the set to complete the quilt. I am unable to sell my patterns to you as this is a complete breach of copyright. I assume you do not know about copyright law. The patterns are still available to purchase from quilt shops. There is a list of stockists on Leanne Beasley's website.
2/9/2013 03:01:10 pm
Just wondered if you know anything of the buttonberry girls? I often wonder how they are both doing?
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