I have always tried to politely point out that I am unable to send them photocopies of these patterns because of copyright law - and the response has been terrible. I have recently received several emails demanding to know why I won't do this - in fact one member of this group emailed me after I had informed her why I was unable to send her copies of patterns that I had paid for myself, and her reply to me was "I guess I do not see much harm in sharing a pattern here and there, but that is my belief and choice" - honestly, she has absolutely no idea that she is flouting copyright law. This is a huge worldwide problem, and it would be wonderful if more consumers refused to 'share' their patterns. Sadly I think there are a lot of people who use excuses like 'I cant afford to buy a pattern so its OK to share'.
From a designers point of view, designing and creating patterns is their job, its how they earn a living. I wonder how someone who is happy to share books and a pattern would feel if their wages were stolen before they got them because instead of buying something for themselves they managed to get someone who is often a stranger to 'share' something with them. Do these people not realise they are receiving stolen goods and could be prosecuted for doing so? So please - if you want to source a pattern that you have seen on my blog, (not just the Norwegian patterns) feel free to contact me and I will send you the link of how to buy it - but please please do not offend me by asking for a photocopy. Oh and yes - I have left the FB group concerned. If you are one of those people who have been requesting copies of patterns - shame on you!!!
**UPDATE: The owner of my local quilt shop, Quilters Haven, has also blogged about copyright and she has some stories that will make your blood boil!!