My friends May Britt and Hanne are having a free give-away on their blogs - I had to post a picture of baking on my blog, and tell you what I prefer to bake best, bread or cakes, and I could be in with a chance to win a pattern to make a Scandinavian baking cover - (see their blogs for more details and pictures)... unfortunately, I couldn't find a piccie of me baking (it's tricky to photograph yourself when you're up to your elbows in pastry and flour hehe!!) so used a piccie of my eldest daughter - this is Beth baking cupcakes when she was about 3 years old - she'll probably kill me if she finds out I've put a picture of her on my blog - so please don't tell her!!!
I love baking cakes best of all - Victoria Sponge, Lemon Drizzle, Chocolate Muffins..... oh the list goes on and on.....