After their mischievious antics in the garden over the Easter weekend, Bertie and his sisters - Betsy, Bella, Bessie and Bunty have been carefully wrapped in tissue paper and packed away ready for next year. These were a real pleasure to make and I shall definitely make more next year as gifts. The pattern for the Easter Bunnies was a free PDF download from the Tildas World website.
Down amongst the hyacinths in my garden is a bucketful of bunnies, all dressed up in their Easter finery. The pattern is called Easter Bunnies and it is available as a free PDF download from Tildas World website. All of these pretty frocks have been made with scraps of fabrics, trimmed with an assortment of vintage buttons, lace and ric-rac and all with matching pantaloons! Betsy, Bella, Bessie and Bunty all have a riibbon around their ears and Bertie has a cute bee button along with a bunny toy on a stick... ...after an Easter egg hunt in the garden, those NAUGHTY bunnies decided to play hide and seek. They didn't think I'd be able to see them hiding in the hyscinths, but they were spotted! Thank goodness these mischievious miscreants were all wearing their pantaloons otherwise there would be lots of bare bottoms on show!
Homemade hot cross buns are definitely the best! I baked these yesterday morning and they were absolutely delicioius eating them when they were still warm from the oven. I didn't have any apricot jam in my pantry, so heated some lemon curd to use for the glaze instead, which worked really well as it added a tangy twist. They were also delicious toasted for breakfast today. If there are still any left over I'll use them for a bread and butter pudding on Sunday as an Easter treat.
I'll share a picture of my Easter bunnies tomorrow, so today I'm introducing Harriet, my Easter hare. The pattern for this hare is in the Tilda book Crafting Springtime Gifts by Tone Finanger. Made with a few scraps of fabric and with a smart gingham bow, she looks very smart tucked inside a vintage bone china Bunnykins mug by Royal Doulton.
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January 2025
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