1. Black non stick mat - this is washable, so it's easy to keep clean if it gets glue on it!
2. Apliquick rods - these stainless steel rods have completely changed my life! Since learning how to use them, I've made loads of applique projects that I wouldn't have tackled otherwise. I've also got 2 pairs of Apliquick scissors, and the Apliquick tweezers too.
3. Karen Kay Buckley Perfect Scissors- these are wonderful scissors with micro serrated blades that grip the fabric and cut right up to the point.
4. Sewline fabric glue pen - essential for the applique paper method - and the refills are super easy to replace. The glue is coloured so it's easy to see where you've used it, and then it dries clear. You really don't need too much.
5. Applique paper - not shown - I use the Hugs 'n Kisses brand. The shiney side is fusible. Trace the applique design in reverse on the matt side of the paper, cut the shape exactly on the drawn line, and fuse on to the wrong side of the fabric. Cut out the fabric a scant quarter inch around the applique paper and run the glue pen along the edge of the fabric. Use the Apliquick rods to roll the fabric over the edge of the paper, and still using the rods, press the fabric in place.
6. Aurifil 80wt thread is my favourite thread for this method of applique and a mid grey colour blends with most colours of fabric.
7. Clover Black Gold applique/sharps needles are super sharp and are very fine so they don't leave holes in your work.
8. Roxanne's basting glue - not shown - just a couple of drops of glue are needed on the back of each prepared applique piece, press into place and let it dry. The applique shapes can then be stitched in place without getting stabbed with applique pins!