Well I was really supposed to be making some peg bags with some gorgeous laundry-themed fabric that I bought from the Autumn Quilt Festival at Duxford last week, but I was rather distracted by this gorgeous pale grey Lecien fabric, which looked just perfect teamed with some velvet ribbon and lace trimming - and so I abandoned the peg-bag plan (I'll make those next weekend!) and made a pair of cosmetic bags, using a Norwegian pattern "Anna's Sminkepung" by the designer AnnAKa. The velvet and lace trimming is always a little bit tricky to sew into place, and I usually add a few drops of Roxanne Basting Glue to hold it in place while I secure it with a blind hemming stitch. I'm having one of those weeks where nothing seems to go to plan, and of course I couldn't find the glue so had to resort to using pins instead which are much more prickly... ...the top edge of the velvet ribbon is what I stitch along - this is done REALLY slowly so I don't wobble and veer off the edge! Well the pinning-method worked just fine, and there was enough fabric for two of these cosmetic bags - I don't normally make these bags the same, as I like to keep each one looking different, but this was such pretty fabric I thought I'd make an exception!... ...as you can see, one of these bags is quite "square" in proportions, the other is more "rectangular". This Lecien fabric has been in my stash for a couple of years, and was from Sew and So's in Bungay - their range of Lecien fabrics is simply GORGEOUS!! These will be for sale at the Christmas Shopping Day at Orford - if you're coming along, you'll see all sorts of my quiltystuff on display!
1 Comment
14/11/2013 02:18:05 am
Nicola, these Lecian bags are so luscious, beautiful fabrics which look perfect using " your" pattern! Lucky Wendy.
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