Day 1 of the Declutter Challenge 2025 that I'm taking part in was garbage. All the rubbish that is taking up space in your sewing area, such as empty boxes, packaging, old receipts etc. Although I didn't think I had much in the way of rubbish, I did have some pretty boxes that Moda kits had been packed in. The kits have been made, and I really didn't need the boxes anymore, so they made their way to the recycling bin, along with a couple of broken plastic storage boxes that I'd had for simply ages and didn't use. It felt very therapeutic, and literally took less than 15 minutes to do! |
Day 2 of the Declutter Challenge was all about the things that really don't belong in your sewing space - the things that get dumped there and really need to be rehomed elsewhere. I'm very lucky to have my own sewing studio so I don't have to use it to store anything else, so I just wiped the widow sill down and packed away my festive quilts that had been on display. The second part of the challenge was to clean your sewing machine, so both of my Berninas had a real treat - they were both cleaned, oiled, and had a fresh needle put in. |
Day 3 of the Declutter Challenge is all about the capacity of your sewing space for magazines. I used to have a very impressive collection of magazines, but when I retired, I cancelled all the subscriptions that I had for quilting magazines, and donated several boxes of them to a local quilt group. I still have a couple of boxes of them, so went through them and decided to keep my favourite Norwegian ones, and the others will be donated to charity shops. |